What Would Moana Do? Seven Life Lessons From Disney Princesses

What Would Moana Do? Seven Life Lessons From Disney Princesses November 22, 2016

From Frozen, photo courtesy Disney
From Frozen, photo courtesy Disney

Elsa: Accepting yourself

We’ve already discussed Elsa’s strange, icy abilities in Frozen. She can freeze the world around her when she’s in the wrong mood, and that has made her relationships difficult. She sees her abilities as a curse, and indeed they are for most of the movie.

But Elsa eventually realizes that she can control her abilities through love. They’re not a curse, but a blessing. She doesn’t have to hang out in her own frozen castle forever: She can come down and be a part of her own kingdom, using those curious, special gifts for the benefit of others. She’s no monster: She’s unique—just as we all are unique.

God created us in His image, but He made us all unique, too—each blessed with our own special abilities and saddled with our own special challenges. Sometimes they can be one and the same. “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” a psalmist wrote in Psalm 139:14. “Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

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