What Six Members of Suicide Squad Have to Say About Faith

What Six Members of Suicide Squad Have to Say About Faith August 24, 2016

Photo courtesy Warner Bros.
Photo courtesy Warner Bros.


Forget references to God here: The Enchantress is a god—or at least godlike enough for government work. She admits that she and her brother were worshipped as such, and she’s “discovered” in an altar buried in a creepy, skull-strewn cave.

Enchantress is a little put out that humankind no longer adore her and her brother, turning their worship to “machines.” “So I will build a machine that will destroy them all.”

That’s a pretty interesting comment, really—even though her evil machine, frankly, doesn’t make a lot of sense. Our computer-enabled doodads can indeed feel like objects of adoration—near-omniscient entities we rely on for guidance and wisdom, and the focus of much of our waking lives.

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