With our growing family, our insurance was going to skyrocket – here’s what I’m doing

With our growing family, our insurance was going to skyrocket – here’s what I’m doing December 12, 2016

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I was having a conversation about the ridiculously high cost of health insurance with my friend Austin the other day. We’re both self-employed, and I knew he could commiserate with me on just how expensive it is. I brought it up because I was alerted that we would be paying close to two thousand dollars a month for health insurance in 2017 if we stuck with our current plan.

It was then that Austin told me to check out Take Command Health. We had a mutual friend who helped start the business which helps users shop health insurance to find the best plans and prices for themselves. It took me about five minutes on the site to realize that I was about to save a bunch of money and even better, I was introduced to Medi-Share, a network of Christians who help share the cost of health insurance with one another and have the opportunity to pray for one another.

Read the rest of my story here.

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