The 3 Keys to Lifelong Love

The 3 Keys to Lifelong Love October 7, 2013

Have you ever wondered why some couples seem to grow more and more in love as the years go by while others seem to grow more and more annoyed by each other as the years go by? Hopefully, you want to be part of that first group who experiences growing love, deeper friendship and more intimate connection with each other.

This isn’t something that happens by chance; couples who make it work will tell you that it takes being intentional about investing into their relationship.

As I’ve worked with couples all over the world, I’ve found three consistent traits that happy, healthy couples seem to value. Luckily, all three start with the letter “C” which makes them easier to remember! If you will start now and prioritize these actions in your marriage, you’ll be well on your way to the marriage you’ve always wanted.

Sarah and Derrick Poet

Couples like Sara and Derrick have discovered that intimacy is strengthened when you find activities you enjoy doing together. Archery might not be your thing, but find something you like doing alongside each other. Don’t just have “His” and “Hers” activities, but create opportunities to share the experiences. If you like their shirts, you can get your own matching “I heart my hot hubby” and “I heart my hot wife” tee shirts BY CLICKING HERE.

The Three Keys to making it work


True commitment leads to true intimacy. Without a rock-solid commitment to each other, there’s no foundation for a marriage. Couples who make it work aren’t the ones who never had a reason to get divorced; they’re simply the ones who decided early on that their commitment to each other was always going to be bigger than their differences and flaws.


Strong relationships make communication a priority. This means eliminating the distractions (like phones and electronics) to create time and space to talk without interruption. Communication creates more trust, joy and peace in your relationship, but neglecting communication will rob your relationship of those things. If trust has been damaged in your marriage, please check out our post on HOW TO REBUILD TRUST.


It was Aristotle who said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.”

I’m convinced that the secret to a healthy marriage is wrapped up in this one word: Consistency. When you consistently prioritize one another and invest in your relationship, your marriage gains the equivalent of compounding interest like you’d experience with a long term retirement account investment. Those consistent acts of love and service for one another, built up over time, will create a rich relationship that will stand the test of time.

For full access to our entire catalog of marriage-building resources, please check out our new website to learn how to become an MVP (Marriage Vision Partner).

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