10 movies every couple should watch together

10 movies every couple should watch together June 3, 2015

Continued from PAGE 1

6.  Raiders of the Lost Ark. The first of the Indiana Jones franchise has it all. You’ve got a love story, action, adventure, the hunt for a real-life sacred artifact, comedy, and two hours of non-stop entertainment. A great date night movie to add to your list!

7. The Hunger Games. These sci-fi, action-adventure, romance movies can’t really be categorized, but this franchise has it all. There’s a complicated love story and non-stop plot twists. You’ll be entertained the whole time, and it might lead to some great conversations about how you two, as a couple, would respond if placed into the storyline of the movie. Some additional great “battle” movies I’d recommend are Braveheart and Gladiator.

8. Forrest Gump. This classic movie is Tom Hanks at his very best. The story will carry you through decades of world history plus an unorthodox love story between Forrest and Jenny. The movie hits the full spectrum of human emotions and will inevitably lead to some great conversations afterwards.

9. Frozen. I had to throw one animated movie on the list, and Frozen will keep you singing for months afterwards. Even if you don’t have kids, watch this movie together. The plot twist in the love story will also give you something interesting to talk about in between songs.

10. Fireproof. This movie started a new generation of Christian films and many married couples have credited this movie and the accompanying “The Love Dare” book with strengthening or even saving their marriages. The movie is entertaining and it also has some very practical insights into what makes a strong and healthy marriage.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule some movie nights and get ready to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy!

For more tips and tools to help you build a rock-solid marriage, check out my bestselling book, “iVow: Secrets to a Stronger Marriage” and our brand new iVow Online Marriage Course (by clicking here).

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