VIDEO: “Slow Down” – a sweet and appropriate song for Mother’s Day

VIDEO: “Slow Down” – a sweet and appropriate song for Mother’s Day May 4, 2016


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With Mother’s Day coming up and my oldest child graduating from college in two weeks, I can barely stand how quickly time has flown by. Nichole Nordeman’s song “Slow Down” is a sweet ode to this very concept of children growing up faster than expected. We love them so much and of course, want them to go through all the steps toward independence, but then they actually hit all the milestones and are ready to take off…without us. It’s oh so bittersweet! Prepare yourself – it’s a real tearjerker!

(Here’s to you, Caitlin!  I truly am your biggest fan –  I hope you know I am. With all my love, Mom)

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