Music to relax the cat

Music to relax the cat May 31, 2016

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Hello Clippity Clip cat lovers – let me introduce you to a new concept…at least the idea is new to me. There is a thing in the world called “Musis for Cats” and by all accounts, it’s pretty soothing for your feline friend. David Teie is a musician and composer (as a soloist for the National Symphony Orchestra among other musical roles) who now makes “species specific music.”  His “Music for Cats” which he’s created using science, elicits “feline feelings.” He’s used this music with many cat subjects and even famous Youtube cats like Cole and Marmalade seem to like it – in a lazy sleepy catlike way! The music has all different sounds from nature as well as soothing purring. You might want to get this for Kitty on her next birthday or for that rescue cat that could use extra help with anxiety. Check it out.

You can read more here!

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