Not that this ever happens to you. But every now and then our kids (girls and boys) might perhaps display a little attitude. Perhaps it’s an eye roll, a derisive tone, a sudden disrespectful temper. Whatever it is, it’s almost guaranteed to make a parent’s head explode.
We of course never did this. Ever. We were perfect darlings.
We can’t imagine where they get it from.
And yet we still have to address it. Because (in all seriousness), the way we address it will either help our kids learn how to control their less-than-healthy attitudes — or give them license to develop even worse ones. Ones that don’t just drive parents nuts but which can wreck their school friendships… work habits… marriages.
So based on the research with 3,000 teens and pre-teens for For Parents Only and several of my other books, here are three actions to take whenever you see or hear an attitude: