Would you do THIS to show your spouse that YOU STILL CHOOSE HIM/HER?

Would you do THIS to show your spouse that YOU STILL CHOOSE HIM/HER? September 9, 2016


A friend of mine shared the most amazing video of a wife retelling the story of one grand gesture she did to show her husband that if she had to get married all over again, she would still choose to marry him.

The thing that makes this gesture so beautiful is that she did it during a time when things were difficult at home.  The couple was enduring a sandpaper season, and she wanted to show her husband–as clearly as she could–that she still loves him “despite all the mess.” Friends, please watch this touching video below.

Would you be willing to do THAT?

We should be willing to do whatever it takes to show our spouse our love and devotion.  Our spouse deserves our very best pursuit each and every day.  So, what can YOU do to show your spouse that you choose him/her today…and every day?

If you want to attend a weekend conference like the couple in the video, be sure to go to Focus on the Family, for more information.

If travel is not currently an option for you, you might be interested in our NEW “Fighting for My Marriage,” video curriculum and online support groups.  For more information, go to Fighting for My Marriage, or email us at free@fightingformymarriage.com.  There is hope for your marriage.

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